序号 |
论文题目 |
第一作者 |
发表刊物 |
刊物类型 |
发表时间 |
1 |
Multiple peer-to-peer relay network robust beamforming based on Lorentz-positive matrices |
李建华 |
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing |
EI |
2016 |
2 |
Proof of Lagrange Mean Value Theorem and its Application in Text Design |
李建华 |
Chemical engineering transactions |
EI |
2016 |
3 |
基于动态指纹图谱的奶粉中糊精添加量检测方法 |
马永杰 |
农业机械学报 |
EI |
2016 |
4 |
Analysis on the Digging of Social Network Based on User Search Behavior |
杜军毅 |
International Journal of Smart Home |
EI |
2016 |
5 |
Enumeration formulas for self-dual cyclic codes |
Bocong Chen |
Finite Fields and Their Applications |
2016 |
6 |
Some classes of permutation polynomials of the form $(x^{p^m}−x +δ)^s+x$ over $F_{p^{2m}}$ |
查正邦 |
Finite Fields and Their Applications |
2016 |
7 |
LPT online strategy for parallel-machine scheduling with kind release times |
李文杰 |
Optimization Letters |
2016 |
8 |
An inverse theorem for additive bases |
瞿勇科 |
International Journal of Number Theory |
2016 |
9 |
Regularity theorems for a class of degenerate elliptic equations |
宋巧珍 |
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations |
2016 |
10 |
Novel Stability Criteria for Impulsive Memristive Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays |
王华敏 |
Circuits Systems and Signal Processing |
2016 |
11 |
Globally exponential stability of delayed impulsive functional differential systems with impulse time windows |
王华敏 |
Nonlinear Dynamics |
2016 |
12 |
Stability Criterion of Linear Delayed Impulsive Differential Systems with Impulse Time Windows |
王华敏 |
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems |
2016 |
13 |
The postprocessing of quantum digital signatures |
王天银 |
Quantum information Processing |
2016 |
14 |
Analysis of counterfactual quantum certificate authorization |
王天银 |
International Journal of Theoretical Physics |
2016 |
15 |
Fault-tolerant symmetrically-private information retrieval |
王天银 |
International Journal of Modern Physics B |
2016 |
16 |
Robust quantum private queries |
王天银 |
International Journal of Theoretical Physics |
2016 |
17 |
Error Sensitivity for Strongly Convergent Modifications of the Proximal Point Algorithm |
王亚敏 |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
2016 |
18 |
practical quantum private query with better performance in resisting joint-measurement attack |
魏春艳 |
Physical Review A |
2016 |
19 |
The von Neumann–Jordan Constant for a Class of Day–James Spaces |
杨长森 |
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics |
2016 |
20 |
On the weight distributions of some cyclic codes |
张光辉 |
Discrete Mathematics |
2016 |
21 |
Generalizations of a terminating summation formula of basic hypergeometric series and their applications |
朱军明 |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
2016 |
22 |
A WP-Bailey lattice and its application |
张之正 |
International Journal of Number Theory |
2016 |
23 |
U(n+1) WP-Bailey tree |
张之正 |
The Ramanjan Journal |
2016 |
24 |
A Semi-Finite Proof of Jaobi's Tripe Product Identity |
朱军明 |
American Math. Monthly |
2016 |
25 |
Analysis of forgery attack on one-time proxy signature and the improvement |
王天银 |
International Journal of TheoreticalPhysics |
2016 |
26 |
Exponential stability of impulsive differential systems with variable delays |
王华敏 |
Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2016 12th World Congress on |
国际学术会议论文集 |
2016 |
27 |
Uniform stability of nonautonomous impulsive differential systems with time delay |
王华敏 |
Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP), 2015 Sixth International Conference on |
国际学术会议论文集 |
2016 |
28 |
A constructive proof of existence of the periodic solutions of differential equations via a non-interior path algorithm |
苏孟龙 |
Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems |
国外期刊 |
2016 |
29 |
Existence of an non-interior path to the periodic solutions of differential equations |
苏孟龙 |
Journal of Mathematical Science: Advances and Applications |
国外期刊 |
2016 |
30 |
A note on the simultaneous Pell equations x^2-24y^2 = 1 and y^2 - pz^2=1 |
陶利群 |
Pure Mathematical Sciences |
国外期刊 |
2016 |
31 |
尤尔基于社会统计学视角对回归、相关的研究 |
聂淑媛 |
统计与决策 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
32 |
一类变换半群的右相容元 |
李建华 |
西南大学学报(自然科学版) |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
33 |
Banach空间中集值隐函数的局部度量正则性和下半连续性 |
李建华 |
西南大学学报(自然科学版) |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
34 |
一类夹心变换半群的正则元 |
李建华 |
信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版) |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
35 |
单机等长区间的在线排序问题研究 |
李文杰 |
河南理工大学学报 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
36 |
最大化接收工件个数的在线分批排序问题研究 |
李文杰 |
郑州大学学报 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
37 |
基于X-12-ARIMA和AR-GARCH模型的房价波动研究 |
聂淑媛 |
河南师范大学学报(自然科学版) |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
38 |
诠释大数据时代统计学的科普读物 |
聂淑媛 |
中国统计 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
39 |
求解带有等式和不等式约束的不动点问题的一种新的同伦内点法 |
苏孟龙 |
吉林大学学报(理学版) |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
40 |
广义近似空间的拓扑性质 |
詹婉荣 |
模糊系统与数学 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
41 |
Cyclic codes with complementary duals over Fp+vFp |
张光辉 |
数学季刊 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
42 |
A note on self-dual cyclic codes over finite chain rings |
张光辉 |
数学进展 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
43 |
环F2+vF2 上的循环码 |
张光辉 |
数学杂志 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
44 |
New algorithms for verifiable outsourcing of bilinear pairings |
任艳丽 |
中国科学:信息科学 |
核心期刊 |
2016 |
45 |
基于动作脚本的交互式动画 |
蒋维 |
洛阳师范学院学报 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
46 |
基于动作脚本的文本框交互式练习题 |
蒋维 |
电脑知识与技术 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
47 |
探究大学生学习高等数学时存在的问题及应对措施 |
李文杰 |
高教视野 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
48 |
通过递归解决多重循环问题 |
刘华煜 |
洛阳师范学院学报 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
49 |
独立的m维实正态向量族线性组合均方极限的正态性 |
吕芳 |
洛阳师范学院学报 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
50 |
实正态过程之导数过程的有限维特征函数 |
吕芳 |
南阳师范学院学报 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
51 |
独立的m维实随机过程均方极限的独立性 |
吕芳 |
周口师范学院学报 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
52 |
房价与地价、居民消费互动关系的实证研究 |
聂淑媛 |
经济视角 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
53 |
基于“三模块、四结合、五位一体”的实践教学质量评价体系 |
聂淑媛 |
实验室科学 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
54 |
新课程改革背景下数学教师专业发展的模式研究 |
王众杰 |
课程教育研究 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |
55 |
统计学专业实践拓展课程一体化教学模式研究 |
张丽 |
赤峰学院学报 |
一般期刊 |
2016 |