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2022年10月04日 12:55

Prof.Ph. D Zhizheng Zhang (张之正)

Department of Mathematics,

Luoyang Teachers’College,

Luoyang, Henan 471022

People's Republic of China




组合分析; 递归序列;q-series理论;特殊函数论


1982.09—1986.06 华中师范大学数学系攻读本科

1986.07—1999.08 洛阳师范高等专科学校任教

1991.09—1992.07 四川大学学习硕士课程

1999.09—2002.06 大连理工大学攻读计算数学博士学位

2002.07—2004.06 南京大学做博士后研究

2004.07—至今 洛阳师范学院工作,其中2009.01—2011.02期间在南开大学做博士后研究
















(2)主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11871258):伴随根系统的几类超几何级数与Mock Theta函数的研究。







1. 主持,河南省教育科学“十一五” 规划2007年重点课题:校园无限信息系统应用研究,编号:2007-JKGHAZ-100.

2. 主持,河南省教育科学“十二五” 规划2013年度课题:数学师范生师范技能培养模式的探索,编号:2013-JKGHC-0195

3.主持, 2012年度河南省教师教育课程改革研究项目,新课程实施前后教学质量对比研究与对策,编号:

4. 主持,河南省教育厅2015年度教师教育课程改革重点项目:基于卓越数学教师培养和国培计划的“三维协同,多元评价”模式研究,编号:2015-JSJYZD-037




8.参4,2021 年河南省专业学位研究生精品教学案例项目,课程与教学论(YJS2021AL090)

9. 主持,2022年河南省研究生教育创新培养基地,YJS2022JD38,合作单位:洛阳市第五十五中学。



1. 排名第二,应用统计学专业实践教学质量评价体系的构建,河南省高等教育教学成果奖一等奖(2019)。

2. 排名第一,校际联盟实现“三位一体”卓越数学教师的培养,河南省教育科学研究优秀成果一等奖,2020


4. 排名第二,2021 年河南省教师教育教学成果奖二等奖(豫教〔2021〕58),基于高校和中学联盟的卓越数学教师培养工程建设。



1. 参编,线性代数(第五章),北京:科学出版社出版,2013年8月,河南省普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材。河南省数学教学指导委员会推荐用书。河南省“十二五”普通高校规划教材,(2015年授予),并获河南省首届教材建设奖一等奖(2021年获得)

2. 参编,高等数学,北京:科学出版社出版,2015年8月,河南省数学教学指导委员会推荐用书


4. 张之正著,q-级数理论及其应用,科学出版社,2021。

5. 张之正、刘麦学、张光辉著,《高等代数问题求解的多向思维》,科学出版社,2019。


1.Generalizations ofseveralidentities, Northeastern Math.J.,10.1(1994):93-96.

2.(with Wei ZL, Jiao DW)Generalized Stirlingnumbers anditsproperties, Chinese Quart. J. Math., 9.2(1994): 25-28

3.(with Lei ZJ, Tian WS)Applications ofgeneralized Legendrepolynomials incombinatorialidentities, Chinese Quart. J. Math., 9.3(1994): 32-36

4.(with Guo LZ)Recurrencesequences and Bernoullipolynomials ofhigherorder, Fibonacci Quart.,33.4(1995): 359-362.

5.(with Wang TM)Recurrencesequences and Norlund-Eulerpolynomials, Fibonacci Quart.,34.4(1996): 314-319.

6.Between Twokinds ofnumber anditsapplications, Chinese J. Engineering Math., 13.1(1996): 114-116

7.Someproperties of thegeneralized Fibonaccinumbers:Cn+1=Cn+Cn-1+r, Fibonacci Quart.,35.2(1997): 169-171.

8.The Linearalgebra ofgeneralized Pascalmatrix, Linear Algebra & Its Applications, 250(1997): 51-60.

9.Some identities involving generalized second-order integer sequences,Fibonacci Quart., 35.2(1997): 265-268.

10.(with Wang TM)Generalized Pascalmatrix andrecurrencesequences, Linear Algebra & Its Applications, 283(1998): 289-299.

11.Recurrencesequences and Norlund-Bernoullipolynomials, Mathematics Moravica(南),2(1998): 161-168.

12.(with Liu MX)Anextension ofgeneralized Pascalmatrix anditsalgebraproperties, Linear Algebra & Its Applications, 271(1998): 169-177

13.Aclass ofsequences and the Aitkentransformation, Fibonacci Quart. , 36.1(1998): 68-71.

14.(with Liu MX)Generalizations ofsomeidentitiesinvolvinggeneralizedsecondorder Integersequences,Fibonacci Quart.,36.4(1998): 327-328.

15.(with Jin JY)Someidentitiesinvolvinggeneralized Genocchipolynomials andgeneralized Fibonacci,Lucassequences, Fibonacci Quart.,36.4(1998): 329-335.

16.Note on Euler polynomials of high order, J. Math. Res. Expos., 18.4(1998): 546.

17.(with Liu MX) Some properties of generalized Fibonacci sequences W^(k)_{n,d}(a,b;p,q), J. Central China normal Univ. (Natu. Sci.), 1997. Suppl.,第六届全国组合会议论文集

18.Generalized Fibonaccisequences andageneralization of theq-matrix, Fibonacci Quart.,37.3(1999): 203-207.

19.Akind ofbinomialidentity, Discrete Math., 196(1999): 291-298.

20.Several identities related to Mercier’s, Mathematica Montisnigri,XI(1999): 159-171

21.Abinomialidentityrelated to Calkin's, Discrete Math., 196(1999):287-289.

22. (with Wang Jun)Some properties of the (q,h)-binomial coefficients, Journal Physics A: Math.and Gen., 33(2000): 7653-7658.

23.(with Liu MX) Algebraic structure and properties of generalized Pascal matrices, J. Dalian Univ. Technology, 40.6(2000): 638-641

24.A characterization of the Aigner-Catalan-like numbers, Indian J.Pure and Appl.Math.,32.11(2001): 1615-1619.

25.(with Liu MX)A class of computational formula involving the multiple sum on Genocchi number and Riemann Zeta function, J. Math. Res. Expos., 21.3(2001): 455-458.

26.(with He Ping-An)The computational formulas on the multiple sum of generalized Lucas sequences, Fibonacci Quart.,40.2(2002): 124-127.

27.(with Wang Xin)A note on a class of computational formulas involving the multiple sum of recurrence sequences, Fibonacci Quart., 40.5(2002): 394-398.

28.(with Zhang H.)Closed computational formulae on the multiple sum of two kinds of Chebyshev polynomials, J. Dalian Univ. Technology, 42.5(2002): 509-513

29.(with Feng Hong) Notes ontwoproperties of thegeneralizedsequences {Wn}relevant torecurringdecimal, ARS Comb., 68(2003),257-262.

30.(with Wang Jun)On the Hankel matrix of derangement polynomials, Indian J.Pure and Appl.Math.,34.4(2003): 625-629.

31.(with Chu Wenchang)Non-commutative binomial expansions and inverse series relations,Mathematica Senza Frontiere, Lecce, 2003年3月5-8日,国际会议论文集(意大利),105-113.

32.(with Feng Hong) Theconvolutedcomputationalformulas ongeneralized Fibonacci and Lucasnumbers, Fibonacci Quart.,41.2(2003): 144-151.

33.(with FengHong) Combinatorical proofs of identities of Calkin and Hirschhorn, Discrete Math., 277(2004):287-294.

34.(with WangJun) On extensions of Calkin’s binomial identities, Discrete Math., 274(2004):331-342.

35.(with Wang Jun) On some identities involving the Chebyshev polynomials,Fibonacci Quart., 42.3(2004):245-249.

36.(with Liu Maixue) Q-analog ofdeterminant of akind ofbinomialcoefficientmatrices,Mathematica Moravica,8(2004): 25-34.

37.(with Ye Xiaoli) On some formulas of the reciprocal sum and the alternating sum for generalized Fibonacci numbers,Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math., 10(2)(2005): 143-148

38.(with Feng Hong)Combinatorial proofs of a type of binomial identity, ARS Comb.,74(2005):245-260.

39.(with Wang Jun)Two operator identities and their applications to terminating basic hypergeometric series and q-integrals,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,312(2)(2005): 653-665.

40.A note on the partial fraction decomposition,Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math.,11.2(2005): 151-155.

41.(with Wang Jun) A common generalization of some identities, Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 5(1)(2005), #A33, 15 pages.

42.(with Wang Jun)Bernoulli matrix and its algebraic properties,Discrete Appl.Math.,154.11(2006),1622-1632

43.(with Liu MX)Applications of operator identities to the multiple q-binomial theorem and q-Gauss summation theorem,Discrete Math., 306(2006): 1424-1437.

44.(with Zhang Caihuan)Extensions of two $q$-series identities,Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math.,13.1(2006): 81-85.

45.(with Feng Hong)Akind of Fibonacci-like numbers, Utilitas Math.,70(2006): 273-286.

46.(withFeng Hong)Two kinds of numbers and their applications, Acta Math.Sinica(数学学报英文版),22.4(2006): 999-1006.

47.Operator identities and several U(n+1) generalizations of the Kalnins-Miller transformation,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,324(2006): 1152-1167.

48.Onakind ofcuriousbinomialidentity,Discrete Math. 306(2006): 2740-2754.

49.(with Wang Jun)Generalization of a combinatorial identity, Utilitas Math.,71 (2006): 217-224.

50.(with Xi Gaowen)On a reinforcement of Hardy-Hilbert's inequality,Far East J.Math.Sci., 24.3(2007):363-376

51.(withZhang C. H.)A characterization of the generalized Lah matrix, ARS Comb.,83(2007),353-359。

52.Several symmetric transformations from q-Chu-Vandermonde summation, UtilitasMath.,73(2007),267-277

53.(with Zhang Caihuan)Twonewtransformationformulas of Basichypergeometricseries, J.Math.Anal.Appl., 336(2007): 777-787.

54.(with Y. Zhang) The Lucas matrix and some combinatorial identities, Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math., 38.5(2007): 457-465.

55.(with Ye Xiaoli)Relations between the reciprocal sum and the alternating sum for generalized Lucas numbers,Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 76.2(2007): 215-222.

56.(with Xi Gaowen)Some ComputationalFormulas of Mixed-Convoluted Sum for Fibonacci and LucasSequences,Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math.,14.2(2007): 283-292.

57.(with X. Wang)A factorization of the symmetric Pascal matrix involving the Fibonacci matrix,Discrete Applied Math., 155(2007): 2371-2376.

58.(with X. Wang) A generalization of Calkin’s identity, Discrete Math., 308(2008): 3992-3997.

59.(with Qiuxia Hu)On the bilateral series $_5\psi_5$,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,337(2008): 1002-1009.

60. (with Haitao Song)A generalization of an identity involving the inverse of binomial coefficients,Tamkang J.Math., 39.3(2008): 219-226.

61. (with T. Z. Wang)Operator identities involving the bivariate Rogers-Szeg{$\rm\ddot{o}$} polynomialsand their applications to the multipleq-series identities,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,343.2(2008): 884-903

62. (with Ying Zhang)Summati on formulas of q-series by modified Abel'slemma,Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math. 17.2(2008): 119-129.

63. (with Hanqing Yang)Several Identities for the Generalized Apostol-Bernoulli Polynomials,Computers and Mathematics with Applications,56(2008): 2993-2999.

64. (with Hanqing Yang)Some closed formulas for generalizations of Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials, Proc. Jangjeon Math. Soc., 11.2(2008): 191-198.

65.(with Hu Qiuxia)On some transformations ofq-series, UtilitasMath., 77(2008): 277-285.

66.(with Jizhen Yang)On two identities of Fu and Lascoux,Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math., 18.1(2009): 59-67.

67. (with Jizhen Yang)On sums of products of the Degenerate Bernoulli numbers,Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 20.10(2009),751-755

68. (with Yang Jizhen)Ageneralization of Chu's identity, ARS Comb. ,93(2009), 65-75.

69.(with Jizhen Yang)Severalq-series identities from the Euler expansions of $(a;q)_{\infty}$ and $\frac{1}{(a;q)_{\infty}}$, Archivum Mathematicum, 45(2009),45-56

70.(with Hu Qiuxia)A transformation formula for a special bilateral basic hepergeometric $_{12}\psi_{12}$ series,Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae,78.2(2009),201-203

71. (with Qiuxia Hu)On some transformation and summation formulae for bivariate basic hypergeometric series,数学研究与评论, 29.6(2009),1029-1034

72.(with Zhang Caihuan)Secondfactorization of thegeneralized Lahmatrix,ARS Comb.,94 (2010), 511-516.

73.(with Hu Qiuxia)On the very-well-poised bilateral basic hypergeometric $_7\psi_7$ series, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,367(2010):657-668

74.(with Bijun Pang)Several identities in the Catalan triangle, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 41.2(2010):363-378

75.(with Ying Zhang)Several Rogers-Ramanujan-Bailey type identities,Chin. Quart. J. of Math.,25.3(2010): 327-334.

76.(with Zhang Caihuan)基本超几何级数变换公式及Rogers-Ramanujan恒等式,数学学报, 53.3(2010): 579-584

77. (with Yang Jizhen)双参数有限q指数算子及其应用,数学学报, 53.5(2010): 1007-1018。

78.(with Pang Jinsheng)Severalq-series identities related to Jackson's,ARS Comb.,102(2011):139-145.

79.(with Na Li)Someq-series identities related to theq-triplicate inverse,Rocky Mountain J. Math.,41(2011): 1375-1393

80. (with Ye Xiaoli)Generalizations of certain binomial sums with generalized Fibonacci sequences, J.Comb. Math. &Comb. Comput.,81(2012),121-127

81. (with Yang Jizhen)Notes on some identities related to the partial Bellpolynomials,Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences,28.1(2012):39-48.

82. (with Jia Zeya)MoreRogers-Ramanujantypeidentities,Proc.JangjeonMath.Soc..,15.2(2012),215-225.

83. (withZhang Caihuan)A note on the bilateral series $_2\psi_2$, Utilitas Math., 92(2013),365-375

84. (withWu Yun)几个基本超几何级数变换公式的U(n+1)拓广,数学学报,56.5(2013),787-798。

85. (with Jia Zeya)Some transformations on the bilateral series $_2\psi_2$,Rocky Mountain J. Math.,44.5(2014), 1697-1713

86. (with Jia Zeya)Q-analogue of a kind of binomial coefficient identity, Utilitas Math., 95(2014),175-188。

87. (withWu YunA U(n+1) Bailey lattice,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 426(2015), 747-764.

88. (withZhu Junming)几个级数-乘积型恒等式与Dedekind Eta函数展开式,数学物理学报,35.1(2015),110-117

89. (withWu Yun)Several identities for products of reciprocals of q-binomial coefficients,Utilitas Math.,96(2015),191-208。

90. (withXue Lin)A general theta function identity and modular equations, Chin. Quart. J. Math., 30.2(2015), 211-217.

91. (withHuang Junli)A WP-Bailey lattice and its applications, International J. Number Theory, 12.1(2016),189-203

92. (withLiu Qiyan)U(n+1) WP-Bailey tree,The Ramanujan J.,40(2016), 447-462

93. (withYe Xiaoli)A common generalization of convolved generalized Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials and its applications,Appl. Math. Comput.,306(2017),31-37

94. (withZhang Caihuan)A direct proof of the AAB-Bailey lattice, J. Ramanujan Soc. Math and Math. Sci., 6.1(2017), 1-6.

95. (withHuang Junli)A U(n+1) WP-Bailey lattice and its applications,Ramanujan J.,46(2018),403-429

96. (withLi Xiaoqian)Mock theta functions in terms of q-hypergeometric double sums,International J. Number Theory,14.6(2018),1715-1728

97. (withZha Zhenbang and Hu Lei)New results on permutation polynomials of the form $(x^{p^{m}}- x+\delta)^s+x^{p^m}+x$ over $F_{p^{2m}}$,Cryptogr. Commun.,10.3(2018)567-578.

98. (withZha Zhenbang and Hu Lei)Three new classes of generalized almost perfect nonlinear power functions, Finite Fields and Their Applications,53(2018),254-266

99. (withHuang Junli)The C_n WP-Bailey chain,Acta Math. Sci., 38B.6(2018), 1789-1804

100. (withYang Jizhen)Some identities ofthegeneralized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences,Appl. Math. Comput., 339(2018), 451-458.

101. (withLi Xiaoqian)一类新的m重Rogers-Ramanujan恒等式及应用,数学物理学报,2019,39A(4):851—864

102. (withHu Qiuxiai)On generalizations of theoremsinvolving the third-order mock theta functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,148.1(2020), 125-132.

103. (withHu Qiuxia and Song Hanfei)Third-order mock theta functions,International J. Number Theory,16.1 (2020),91–106.

104. (withZha Zhenbang and Hu Lei)Permutation polynomials of the form x+ γTrqnq (h(x)),Finite Fields and Their Applications,60(2019),101573.

105. (withXue Lin and Song Hanfei) A note on the constant term method to mock theta functions,J. of Ramanujan Soc.Math. &Math.Sci., 7.1(2019)

106. (withSong Hanfei) On finite form of Andrews identity for basic partition polynomial and generalization,South East Asian J. of Math. &Math.Sci.15.2(2019).

107. (withSong Hanfei) The 2-fold Bailey lemma and mock theta functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math.,50.4(2020), 1491–1496

108. (withXue Lin) Extensions of An approach to generalizedFibonacci and Lucasnumbers withbinomialcoeffiffifficients,Chin. Quart. J. Math. 2020, 35 (1): 56—62

109. (withSong Hanfei) Some further Hecke-type identities,International J. Number Theory,(2020)

110. (withGu Jing and Song Hanfei) A new transformation formula involving derived WP-Bailey pair and itsapplications,Filomat 34:13 (2020), 4245–4252

111. (withNie Shuyuan) Some new transformation formulas deriving from Bailey Pairs andWP-Baileypairs,Filomat,35:3 (2021), 941–953

112. (withZhu Junming) A semi-fifinite form of the quintuple product identity,J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A,184 (2021) 105509。

113. (withSong Hanfei)Some identities of certain basic hypergeometric series and their applications to mock theta functions,Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Math., (to appear).

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