2017年9月至今在河南农业大学资源与环境学院任教,已在Plant Cell & Environment (一作,IF: 6.17),New Phytologist(一作,IF: 7.21)、Plant Cell & Environment接受(一作,IF: 6.17)发表高水平论文3篇:
1.Hai Tao Liu, Rudi Schäufele, Xiao Ying Gong, Hans Schnyder. 2017. δ18O and δ2H of water in the leaf growth-and-differentiation zone of grasses is close to source water in both humid and dry atmospheres. New Phytologist, 214:1423-1431. (IF: 7.2)
2.Hai Tao Liu, Fang Yang, Xiao Ying Gong, Rudi Schäufele, Hans Schnyder. 2017. An oxygen isotope chronometer of cellulose: the successive leaves formed along tillers of a C4 grass. Plant Cell & Environment, 40:2121-2132. (IF: 6.17)
3.Hai Tao Liu, Xiao Ying Gong, Rudi Schäufele, Fang Yang, Regina Hirl, Anja Schmidt, Hans Schnyder.2016. Nitrogen fertilization and ä18O of CO2 have no effect on 18O-enrichment of leaf water and cellulose in Cleistogenes squarrosa (C4) – is VPD the sole control? Plant Cell & Environment, 39: 2701-2712. (IF: 6.17)